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Movie Watchlist Solo


Welcome to the "Movie Watchlist" project.

How did I build it?

This project was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and "The Open Movie Database" API ( The project has two pages (index.html and watchlist.html). Index.html is a search page, which calls to OMDB API with the title searched for and displays search results. Button "watchlist" in each rendered movie saves a movie to local storage. Watchlist.html, in its turn, loads and displays saved movies from local storage.

Going above and beyond:

  1. I created a "read more" button using JavaScript only. It allows a user to expand the whole movie review. To build that I set the limit to innerText.length of the element, containing the review text and rendered the button when the limit was exceeded.

When the button is clicked, it toggles the "plot_trunc" CSS class, which truncates the text. The names of the buttons are also being replaced.


  1. As the devil is in the details, I made a search input to be triggered by the "Enter" key. This was accomplished with only 4 lines of code.


  1. I animated the header background image and the "logo" paragraph using @keyframes (for the image I changed the background-position on different offsets, and for the title, I changed the opacity on different letters on different offsets, which created a flickering effect.)

What did I learn?

While building this project, I got to know Async/Await syntax and how to use it with promises. I also learned how to chain multiple promises and how to use the result of the 1st request in the 2nd request.